Welcome to The Foul Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart...
Welcome to The Foul Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart...
  • Boneyard

burning bright collage
Burning Bright – An Illuminated Bestiary
We are looking for partners and co-conspirators to help develop new work for processional performance. Burning Bright: an Illuminated Bestiary; is one such idea.
We envisage this project as ranging from small to large scale work:

  • An intimate, touring show inside the mouth of a Leviathan: with live soundtrack and music, puppets, video and illuminations. Watch as the Ghost Zoo is born from the Belly of The Beast and join in a mini parade of animated detritus, as it emerges from the Leviathan’s nether regions…
  • A grand street delirium summoning giants, creatures and beasts from the edges of science and the wild lands of the imagination… From the forests of the night and the sinews of the heart is forged a totemic menagerie: A Paleolithic Whale-Ark of Shadows; The Mudskipper Chorus; The Bioluminescent Ghost of an Elk; The Last Industrial Tyger in Britain; The Owl Carousel; A Constellation of Deep Sea Horns; and others yet unknown…

We want to engage directly, viscerally and generously with audiences, and have ideas we would like to research & explore around: high intensity animation and performance of beasts, puppets and devices; mobile sound sources and generation; LED, electro-luminescent and other low voltage lighting; integrating fire, pyrotechnics and special effects into parades and much more.

“it is vain to dream of a wildness distant from ourselves…it is the bog in our brains and bowels, the primitive in us, that inspires that dream” Henry Thoreau

“One human life is deeper than the ocean. Strange fishes and sea monsters and mighty plants live in the bed rock of our spirits” Ben Okri

Photo of Tim Hill and the Big Noise Wassailling in a Somerset orchardIt’s Wassail time, and Tim Hill’s been busy scaring evil spirits away from the Orchards of Somerset and Devon. He’s pictured above with the Big Noise street Band at a wassail in Taunton. All hail the Mighty Apple, and the golden alchemy of Cider! The orchard knows a thing or two…

hurly burly kinetic sound sculpture in Marsden Jazz Festival Parade

The Hurly Burly and Hullabaloo of work and life has meant we’ve been sorely neglecting the blog of late. Well we got the plumbers in, removed the blockage from the blog and it should be running freely now….

Some video footage and photos of some of the shenanigans we’ve been up to is available

Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtxKbUprFZA

Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WojH0beKXoI

and Here: http://www.examiner.co.uk/whats-on/whats-on-news/thousands-jazz-fans-flock-norths-7921836

Since then we’ve also been working with our friends Macnas in Galway and Dublin – we’ll post more about our adventures there soon…

The Ghost Horn from Rag and Bone on Vimeo.

We’ve recently posted some newly found footage of one of our favourite shows from the last few years onto Vimeo. The Ghost Horn was a watery lament and processsion held in 2 locations in Taunton and Bridgewater in 2012. We think it has further potential and we’re keen to re-invigorate and revive it for other locations – canals, rivers, marinas and lakes.

Having finally clawed and crawled our way out of Hibernation in the Boneyard, we’re unleashing a raft of fantastic new business ventures on the unsuspecting year.
We’re starting off with our new  Dental and Oral Hygiene service for Processional Beasts, Giants and Creatures (see below)

A Dentist inspects the Bone Yard Beast

Coming soon:

* Bespoke Ark design, build and consultancy services – with a special emphasis on the locating, saving and safe keeping of mythical creatures

*Bonsai Fireshows – in an Age of Austerity, miniature is the new Big

*Bone-Heads – a new concept in hats
