Welcome to The Foul Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart...
Welcome to The Foul Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart...

Early 2018 and I’m resting up in the Boneyard with a broken leg and broken shoulder. Looking for creative things to do whilst the bony splitters slowly glue themselves back together I re-visited an old design from years ago – an Osteoscope – a device designed to send artistic probes deep into a broken bone… Well, we turned it on, cranked up the Ossilator, primed the mythic confungulator and fired a series of Ortho-Sonic probes into the fractures before they fully healed.

We have the audio readings in & are now in a position to reveal some of the results. Specialists we consulted likened the recordings to:

  1. The radio station playing on a fossilized car stereo half buried in a bone littered beach on the sea of dreams
  2. The soundtrack to an imaginary film about phantom scientists driving dodgems on a giddy carousel
  3. A plea for help from a submerged mythical village as it rises out of the mist once a year.

Photo of George, training to be a dragon dentist
Roar! or the Dragons Tale

Roar! is a new show we’re developing, a light on it’s feet, fun and furious offshoot of Bone Yard Tales.

Roar is a promenade performance for urban spaces and festival sites about a 16ft scrap-yard beast and George, who is obsessed with dragons. Self-contained and battery powered, Roar features live music, performers, puppets and props, is for all ages and can take place day and night. Roar delights in stories of dragons and beasts, and includes songs, ballads, chases, encounters, diversions, dances, battles & bun fights.

Contact us for further information.

Rag and Bone take the final bow in the Bone YardThe final bow

MintFest was the final outing for Bone Yard Tales this year. Now the Bone Yard must creak and groan its own dusty lullaby, fold into itself like a hibernating clock and settle into it’s barn for a Winter of rusty snoring, musty  autumnal dreams and occasional scrapyard flatulence.

A hearty thank you to everybody involved – without you all it would not be possible.

We have our own specially unqualified Quack Doctor who will be checking up on the sleeping BoneYard during the winter months and will let us know when the first stirrings and rumblings start in the Spring.
