Welcome to The Foul Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart...
Welcome to The Foul Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart...

Rag and Bone co-founder Dave Young and Pa-Boom have just finished their Hot Heads collaboration, which culminated in a fiery event at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

Some photos below, see more great photos of the event here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sovietuk/sets/72157637984060425/with/11018430456/

The Hot Heads make a primal, totemic night time installation, and could well feature either on their own, as part of our Horns of Fire garden, or  as part of a fiery finale to a show, procession, event or festival.

Photo of Hot Heads fiery installation at Yorksshire Sculpture Park

Photo of Hot Head - sculptural charcoal brazier

Rag and Bone’s Dave Young has been feverishly welding away in a dark, satanic mill, on a new collaborative project with pa BOOM!  Hot Heads is an Arts Council, England supported R&D project – 3 sculptural charcoal braziers in the form of giant heads. These enigmatic, blazing totems are nearly ready for their first outing into the world – an evening at Yorkshire Sculpture Park in late November. We’ll post more news on this project as it develops, in the meantime here are some photos from the test run of the very first Hot Head.

Photo of Hot Head sculptural charcoal brazier

Photo of Hot Head sculptural charcoal brazier

It’s a busy time of year for Rag and Bone – no resting on our worn out laurels in the Boneyard. Tim Hill and Geraldine Giddings organised the Endless Parade – a 1 day conference in Taunton, Somerset exploring parades, processsions, carnivals and other mobile transports of delight. Rag and Bone were there with some of the procesional devices, mutant bicycles and mobile beasts we’ve made in the last year or so.

Two days later on 15th June we were a core part of 2 processions for Somerfest in Taunton town centre, along with Mike Pattison from Kinetica and his amazing contraptions from the Paralympics Closing Ceremony, and the The Big Noise.  Much fun was had by all, including participants and an unsuspecting public. We’re hoping this can turn into a regular event – here at Rag and Bone we delight in seeing town centres full of colour, fun, mayhem and a joyful noise.

The Bone Yard Beast goes shopping on Taunton High street
The Bone Yard Beast goes shopping on Taunton High Street

The Somerset Wind Gatherer - designed and built by Rag and Bone
The Somerset Wind Gatherer – designed and built by Rag and Bone

The Bone Yard Beast loose on the streets of Taunton!
The Bone Yard Beast loose on the streets of TauntonThe Bone Yard Beast goes shopping on Taunton High Street
